Can Diet Affect Bladder Control?
Your diet can affect your bladder control and impact upon continence issues. You may be aware that caffeine is known as a ‘diuretic’ and can increase the need to urinate, so you may already avoid things like coffee. However, many teas and carbonated drinks also contain caffeine, so you will need to do your research and potentially make some changes if you want to alter your diet to improve your condition.
Other bladder irritants may include milk, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes and tomato-based products, spicy food, sugar, honey, and artificial sweeteners to name a few. Alcoholic beverages are well known for causing continence issues, as people tend to drink a lot of them in a short space of time, and the alcohol can disrupt signals between your brain and your bladder.
More lifestyle advice to improve your bladder control can be found here .
Video transcript
close transcriptWhat underlying factors can affect bladder control?
Lots of things can have effects on bladder control. Underlying medical problems and sometimes even what you what you drink can have an effect on your bladder. Highly caffeinated drinks, so things like coffee that most people all know has caffeine in, but people don't often understand that tea has caffeine in, and a lot of the herbal teas also have caffeine.