Free Samples
CliniMed markets and distributes innovative medical products for Stoma Care, Urology & Continence and Wound Care.
Home Delivery Service
A confidential and free home delivery service for stoma and continence care supplies from SecuriCare, our sister company.
Continence, Urology and Wound Care
Innovative technology for professionals and users
The CliniMed Family
Welland Medical
Welland Medical Ltd is the innovator of the group - they design and manufacture our range of stoma pouches and accessories, right here in the UK.
We work closely with healthcare professionals in hospitals and the community, as well as direct to patients, marketing and distributing stoma, wound, urology & continence care products and samples.
SecuriCare Home Delivery
SecuriCare can deliver all your stoma and continence products, direct to your door, free of charge, plus offer a range of other support services.