Empowering Stoma Care Nurses: A day of knowledge, connection, and wellbeing

Creating value and building connections with Stoma Care Nurses

At CliniMed and SecuriCare, two of our core principles are to create value by transforming (and transferring) knowledge to deliver outstanding healthcare experiences, and our belief that everyone counts. We believe in recognising the value of every person, building connections, and fostering inclusivity, and nowhere was this more evident than at our recent Wellbeing Day for Stoma Care Nurses.

In partnership with Welland Medical, another of the businesses in the CliniMed Group, the team invited Stoma Care Nurses to spend a day with us. Building their knowledge, seeing how products are manufactured and what makes Welland pouches so unique. Whilst also working on their own wellbeing in a workshop on compassion fatigue and later by getting hands-on with our new programme, Breathing and Movements, to promote wellbeing for their patients.

The day was kindly hosted at Welland Medical in Crawley, where all of our Welland pouches are manufactured.

A very early morning at the Welland site!

Introducing our Breathing and Movement guide for ostomates

The morning began by participating in our new Breathing and Movement programme. Led by Andy Hansen, who co-authored the guide with SecuriCare. Andy is a qualified Pilates instructor and has a urostomy, so there was nobody better to get our guests active!

The guide has been designed for people of all ages and abilities to help reduce the risk of developing a parastomal hernia, and also to maintain core fitness. We're really proud of the programme that Andy has developed and the guide has been really well received by nurses and patients alike.

Some of the group practicing fundamentals from the guide with Andy.

Afterwards we split into groups, with one touring the Welland factory to see first-hand how our products, in-particular Aura Plus soft convex stoma bags, are made here in the UK.

The rest of the group joined a research and development session, exploring patient needs and how they can influence the design of our products to improve them for everybody who uses them.

SecuriCare recently published an interview with Welland about the production process if you're interested in finding out how stoma bags are made. Something they don't describe in much detail is how many controls are in place during the process, from security to temperature to hygeine, as the following picture goes to show!

Our visitors donning protective suits for their tour. They'll be glad we didn't get a photo with hair nets in place!

After lunch we worked on our own health, participating in a workshop on Emotional Wellbeing for nurses, particularly looking at Compassion Fatigue.

We had some great feedback from our attendees:

Really interesting sessions. A great day! – Faye Jones, Stoma Care Nurse, King Edward VII Hospital

Don't miss out on our future wellbeing days

Thanks to all of our guests who attended, the team at Welland for looking after us so well and our own teams from CliniMed and SecuriCare.

We’ll be hosting more events in the future to work closely with our customers and colleagues in the healthcare industry. If you want to ensure that you don’t miss out, make sure you follow us on Eventbrite and sign up to our monthly emails.

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