Indication / Classification

During assessment of a presenting wound, it is critical to understand the cause of the wound and the presenting underlying aetiologies. A fungating wound will need to be managed differently to a pressure ulcer, a leg ulcer, a diabetic foot ulcer or an acute wound and an understanding of the ways in which these wounds are caused and how they should be treated is critical. For instance the way in which a diabetic patient manages wound infection will be different to a patient with an acute wound. Likewise if an understanding of the differences between arterial and venous leg ulcers is not present then inappropriate treatments may be selected which could be detrimental to patient outcomes.

Wound Indication Classification Page CliniMed Website

This section will guide you through all of the elements that need to be considered when assessing each of these wound types and provides the health care professional with useful information to use when making choices about dressing selection to ensure positive treatment outcomes.

Wound Care Products

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